A story in the rocks
A virtual tour in the Museum of Geology and Palaeontology
A journey through time
A virtual tour in the Museum of History of Physics
Stories of the ancient civilisations
A virtual tour in the Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art
More...I MUSEI DEL CAM Centro di Ateneo per i Musei dell'Università di Padova-->
Museum of Education 5631
Museum of Archaeological Sciences and Art 5632
Museum of Astronomy 5625
Museum of Geography 7223
Museum of Nature and Humankind 5624
Museum of Veterinary Medicine 5633
Museum of Nature and Humankind 5634
Museum of Nature and Humankind 5622
Olivi Museum 8043
Discover the collections 5628
Botanical Museum 5626
Museum of Machines 'Enrico Bernardi' 5630
Morgagni Museum of Anatomy 7728
Giovanni Poleni Museum 5629
Museum of Nature and Humankind 5627