RISK 2024
International Spring School on Cultural Heritage management

The University of Padova is organising the International Spring School Risk Management for Cultural Heritage. Challenges and Strategies for the GLAM Sector and UNESCO Sites, an intensive week of training, discussion, guided tours, and practical activities to learn how to identify, manage, mitigate and monitor the risks that daily affect the cultural heritage preserved in museums, archives, libraries or at UNESCO sites.
Theft, trafficking, wars, counterfeiting, climate change, earthquakes, floods, or fires are just some of the dangers to which movable and immovable cultural heritage is subject in every part of the world: the international Spring School aims to provide all participants with theoretical knowledge and practical skills thanks to the participation of professionals, academics and companies involved in the preservation of cultural heritage.
The University itself is called upon on a day-to-day basis to manage a vast and heterogeneous cultural heritage that stretches from the collections of the University Centre for Museums to the books and archives of the University Centre for Libraries, in addition to the care and management of the Botanical Garden - a World Heritage Site since 1997 - coordinated by the University Centre for Botanical Garden and the Permanent Events Office.
This initiative is also in line with the European Union's indications (Horizon Europe call 2021-2027) regarding Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society) and Destination 2 (Innovative Research on the European Cultural Heritage and the Cultural and Creative Industries).
In addition, this initiative falls under Goals 11.4 and 12.8.b, 16.4 and 16.6 of the UN 2030 Agenda regarding the preservation of cultural heritage, the adoption of concrete and inclusive actions to develop and disseminate good practices, attention to the effects of climate change, and the prevention of crimes against culture.
• over 25 hours of seminar training
• 2 practical workshops
• 4 guided tours of museums, archives, and libraries
• 1 digital space dedicated to participants
• time dedicated to networking
• expansion of soft skills
• at the end of the course, possibility to review the recorded lectures
Who is the course aimed at?
The intensive course is aimed at cultural and museum professionals and all young researchers interested in cultural heritage protection issues.
Why apply for this Spring School?
The Spring School is designed by those who deal daily with the management of a heterogeneous and varied cultural heritage within a complex organisation such as a university: the Spring School is designed to analyse the phenomena from a theoretical and practical point of view (also thanks to the participation of the main national and international institutions dedicated to the protection of cultural heritage and leading companies in the sector).
What do I get from enrolling?
Registration to the Spring School entails, first of all, the possibility to participate in the in-presence activities (with a limited number of participants), provides access to a dedicated virtual space (where you can comment, promote your own initiatives and keep in touch with colleagues from all over the world), guarantees the possibility of unlimited review of the conference recordings, and participates in the production of a volume dedicated to the topics discussed.
Will I receive a certificate at the end of the Spring School?
Yes, the University of Padua will issue a certificate of attendance, recognising 4 CFU/ECTS and an Open Badge to verify the skills acquired.
Duration: 5 days
Official language: English
CFU/ECTS awarded: 4
Max. number of participants: 40
Fee: € 200,00
Available scholarships: 5
The Spring School is aimed at cultural heritage and museum professionals. It is especially aimed at PhD students, students at Schools of Specialisation and all experts in cultural heritage management.
The selection of participants will be based on comparing CVs/résumés and motivational letters (max. 600 words in English).
The Scientific Committee, according to the received CVs, reserves the right to offer 5 scholarships covering registration fees. The registration fee payment will be required upon successfully completing the course admission procedure.
Scientific Direction
Prof. Fabrizio Nestola, Prof. Monica Salvadori, Dr. Luca Zamparo
Publishing opportunities
As part of the International Spring School "Risk Management for Cultural Heritage. Challenges and Strategies for the GLAM Sector and UNESCO Sites", the University of Padova promotes a Call for Abstracts for the creation of an Open Access volume published by Padova University Press and edited by Dr. Luca Zamparo, Prof. Fabrizio Nestola, Prof. Monica Salvadori.
For more information, see the Call for Abstracts
Submission deadline: 30 April 2024
Con il patrocinio di WCRI SYCURI - Synergic Strategies for Cultural Heritage at Risk