Museum of Education

11/11/2016 - 28/02/2017
Collaboration exhibition: Giochi perduti
Venezia-Mestre, Centro Culturale Candiani
A number of early 20th-century toys from the collection of the Museum of Education were released on loan from 2 November 2016 to 2 March 2017 for the exhibition Giochi perduti – Fotografie, balocchi e racconti alla riscoperta del tempo passato (“Lost Games, rediscovering past times through photographs, toys and stories”), which was organised by the “Candiani” Cultural Centre in Mestre, Venice and ran from 11 November 2016 to 28 February 2017.
Digitalizzazione in Phaidra: “Educazione e istruzione tra Sette e Ottocento” (Phaidra Digital Collections: “Teaching and education in the eighteenth and nineteenth century”)
The Educazione e istruzione tra Sette e Ottocento project involved the digitisation of a number of the museum’s old books, specifically 18th and 19th-century textbooks and compendiums, thus providing researchers with access to a rare body of documentation on the education of children that would not otherwise have been available online. Assessment and quality control was entrusted to a semi-independent librarian. The project was made possible by funding from the University Library Centre (CAB).
Project leader: Luisa Buson
Coordinator: Mara Orlando
Librarian: Francesca Santi
Designing and producing the museum’s education website
Against a wider backdrop of events marking the centenary of the Great War, and as part of the Donne e Prima Guerra Mondiale in area veneta (“Women and the First World War in the Veneto”) project organised by the Veneto branch of the Italian Society of Women Historians (SIS) in conjunction with the Veneto regional authorities (Office of the Assessor of Education, Training and Employment), a new website was developed to publish the historical sources held at the Museum of Education. The site is designed to be used by educators and students at all levels of schooling.
Thanks to the funding provided by the SIS, which allowed the project leaders to bring the University Multimedia Centre (CMELA) on board, the site is already available online. It introduces visitors to a number of lesser-known aspects of the First World War, such as the role of women, the experiences of children, and school life during the conflict.
Project leader: Patrizia Zamperlin
Coordinator and editor: Mara Orlando
IT consultant: Alberto Berton