Museum of Geography

Explore, measure, tell
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The Museum of Geography of the University of Padova invites the visitor to explore the fascination and power of Geography, a science which has always been animated by the desire to discover and understand the world through a continuous dialogue between the methods of natural sciences and social sciences.
Characterized by high value items, the collections testify the geographical research and teaching activities which have taken place at the University of Padova from the 19th century onwards and narrate the fascinating developments of the geographic thought, from determinism up to the cultural turn. Through instruments, maps, globes, relief models and photographs, the Museum proposes a three-stage journey, corresponding to the key-words: Explore, Measure, Tell.
The set-up presents and enhances the link between past research and current times, by involving visitors of all ages in an intentionally open dialogue.
Today’s Museum activities are the safeguard and enhancement of the tangible and intangible heritage through scientific projects and dissemination initiatives.
Click here for opening hours and reservations
Museum Location
Wollemborg Palace - 26, Via del Santo – 35123 Padova
c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità – Sezione di Geografia
Tel. +39 049 8274276 (main contact)
Tel. +39 049 8274072
Tel. +39 049 8274073 (Friday from 14.30 to 18.30)
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Giada Peterle
Scientific Commission:
Aldino Bondesan, Elena Canadelli, Monica Celi, Giovanni Donadelli, Chiara Gallanti (AIIG), Paolo Mozzi (Department of Geosciences), Giada Peterle, Lorena Rocca, Mauro Varotto.
Technical and Educational Supervisor: Dr. Giovanni Donadelli
Tel +39 049 8274276
Department of Historical and Geographic Sciences and the Ancient World - DiSSGeA
30, Via Vescovado – 35141 Padova
Tel +39 049 827 8501– fax +39 049 8278502
Head of Department: Prof. Andrea Caracausi
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